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Speciality Vaccine

Private Vaccines in Brixton

Our one-stop vaccination clinic in Brixton offers a range of private vaccines. Vaccines not generally used for travel purposes are referred to as Speciality Vaccines. You can access a wide range of private vaccines at our clinic. Book your appointment online or visit us at the pharmacy.

Speciality Vaccines in Brixton

You can access the following speciality vaccines through our clinic.

Book Speciality Vaccine in Brixton

Vaccine prices in Brixton

Check our private vaccination prices by clicking on the button below. Prices are subject to change, please confirm the prices at the clinic.

Private Chickenpox Vaccine

The chickenpox vaccine protects against the varicella zoster virus that causes chickenpox. The chickenpox vaccine is not part of the routine childhood vaccination schedule. It is offered by our clinic as a private service.

Private Shingles Vaccine in Brixton

Shingles is a painful skin rash caused by the chickenpox virus (varicella-zoster virus). You cannot “catch” shingles; it is caused by the reactivation of the chickenpox virus already present in your body if you had chickenpox previously. We offer private shingles vaccine at our clinic, book your appointment online.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine in Brixton

HPV stands for the Human Papillomavirus. It is a group of over 100 very common viruses. Most commonly, it affects the skin area. The most common areas that are affected by HPV are the mouth, throat and genitals. Some variants of the HPV are more likely to cause cancer. You can get a private HPV vaccine at our clinic in Brixton.

We also offer a wide range of private vaccines, check out our travel clinic page.